Hello everybody!
This is my first entry in a blog. I'm a little excited.
My name is Clara, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Barcelona.
I have to say that I have always wanted to create a blog where I could talk about fashion. In this fashion blog, everyone could take a look about the new trends and daily styles. Cloathing is one of my favourite passions. However I do also have a big interest in movies and cinema. In a raining day (like today), I like to sit in the sofa with a cup of tea watching a movie. I like every kind of film but especially musicals. Also, I am a follower of diferents serials as Grey's Anatomy, Games of Thrones, Lost (was a pitty when it finished), The Vampire Diaries, Desperate wifes and Friends.
I also like almost every kind of music because every one can be used in different situations. Not long ago I discovered Andrea Motis, a young Spanish girl who is an jazz's instrumentalist. I love her version of Somewhere over the rainbow and I recomend all of you to listen to her songs.
Now I will explain three secrets about myself: I have panic for the cockroaches, I cannot leave the house without earrings nor perfume and I'm passionate about all sports.
I think that this is all for now. If you want to know something about me, you just have to ask me!
See you soon!
Clara ***
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